Forum Discussion

clinedinstjt's avatar
Sep 17, 2015

Hershey RV Show

How is the RV show at Hershey? Is it worth visiting? Are there a lot of Motorhomes on display?
  • clinedinstjt wrote:
    How is the RV show at Hershey? Is it worth visiting? Are there a lot of Motorhomes on display?

    Hershey is a SHOW - just too spread out to see it all unless you stay the week - for my money I'll just go to Indiana and do Factory Tours next time.

    But in the few Coaches I looked at (Large Class A's)it seems as if the Standard is a Bath and a Half.

    The "L" shaped sofa is "IN".

    Almost all the models now come with residential Refrigerators.

    The "OPEN Concept" in what we strive for.

    Tiffin's 45 UP was the most unique floor plan, but they must have used Dredged materials to make up the solid surface for the Sinks and Countertops, Sorry just B*TT Ugly. Every time I try to think that Tiffin will make it into the Indiana standards they just fall short - Sorry if I hurt some feelings but I still remember the old Velour seat covers.

    London Aire still is the best Quality (IMHO)

    Entegra is trying but they are not hiding with the Paint they use.

    Stack W/D is the thing.

    My old 2005 TS will continue to work for me.

    Just a few thoughts and observations.

    Enjoy the Show,
  • We wrnt wednesday about 9:00and it was crowded real quick. We only were loking at mh, we were gone about 2:35. Neumar and fleetwood were our picks again, only units that dont use swindle slide mechanisms.
  • The most important thing about the Hershey show. Make sure you know what light pole you are parked by! You will need this to tell the golf cart taxi after you walk around and go up and down steps in and out of rv's all day.

    Seriously, we are local and stopped in last night just to look around. We ran into a couple that looked worn out. It was around 6:15 PM and they walked through the gate when it opened. They were only looking at toy haulers and had only seen about half of the show by then. There is a lot to see and it takes a lot of steps to see it.
  • Hello clinedinstjt~
    I wanted to let you know about the Hershey RV Show. My husband and I have talked about going to it for years. Well, we are here now for the first time. It is AMAZING!!! We have spent two full days of looking and have gone to one seminar. Today we are heading out for third day and one more seminar that has our interest. We think it is totally worth the visit.
  • I was told that there are over 1300 units on display... I believe it!!! Spent 2 days walking around at the show...did not see it all!!! Did visit several vendors, accomplished a few "missions", great show
  • Hershey is the largest RV show in the country. Every RV manufacturer is there with just about every model they make. You can even take test drives in some models. The arena floor is packed with RV aftermarket vendors. If you've never been to Hershey you really haven't experienced the top RV show in the country. And yes I've been to Tampa and the California show but they still don't equal Hershey. Plan on spending a FULL day there if not more to see everything.
  • We drove past the show today. I couldn't stop because of a commitment.
    The parking lots were filling at 10:30.
    It appeared to be the usual number of RV's on display.
    The Hershey Show usually has a good turnout by manufacturers.
    Yes, it's worth visiting.
    I'm going to try to go tomorrow. :)

    Hopefully someone who attended today will respond with the info you request.