Forum Discussion

Forester_727's avatar
Jan 31, 2015

Houston - We have a Problem! Home RV Pad

I need your help! We just installed a RV pad at the house. Here is the problem. The street is bowed in the middle and slopes to each side towards the sidewalk. The RV drive way slopes down towards the street.

First attempt to pull nose in and the rear overhang got stuck in the street asphalt. The chassis has two triangle metal bars that stick down - thus protecting the body from bottoming out. I did get stuck, however and I had to jack up the rear to back out. The triangle bars were digging into the street as I was attempting to back out.

I think, I need to get the rear up about 8 inches to clear. The RV is a 2008 Winnebago Sightseer 35J on a F53 Chassis. Potential solution: Add air bags to the chassis and rollers to the rear.

Will this work? Is there an air bag application for the F53 that will give me say 6 inches of rear lift. Will the rollers make up for the other two inches that I need,

Any other ideas.

  • You may need to use ramps at both ends to bring them up simultaneously and high enough for clearance and then down independently as you clear the choke points.
  • I'd be reluctant to exert too much pressure on the skid bars, I'm not sure that the frame is designed for those kinds of forces.

    I took measurements of my MH, and did an AutoCAD drawing to determine the maximum slope, and minimum transition radius that the MH could handle without the rear overhang dragging. If I place an 8' long 2x4 centered over the transition in the direction of travel, and the center of the 2x4 is more than 1" off the ground, I will scrape.
  • smkettner wrote:
    I would make some ramps. Picture might help.

    X2. Maybe some 2x6's. Getting the wheels elevated just a little might lift the back of the RV enough to clear.
  • I have airbags on a F-53 and it will never lift up to 6 inches, maybe 2 inches at the most.
  • Others have posted similar problems with depressions at the end of their driveways. Some of the solutions include entering their driveways at an angle and placing lumber in the depression to create left for rear to clear.

    What happens if you try to back into the driveway? Do you drag in your driveway then, instead of the street?

    Those metal triangle objects are called "skid bars". I've noticed newer campers don't have them any more. I had a trailer once with them, they did help protect the stuff hanging below the trailer at the back end. And I also seriously thought about the attaching the rollers.

    However, when looking at how the rollers were attached, I realized it would make the skid bars even longer, so decided against it.

    Considering yours in a motor home, I do not think the rollers attached to the skid bars would help much and here's why. When the bars are skidding, the drive rear tires are also being lifted off the ground. What happens, the skid bar is lifting and the front tires are lifting and now you've lost traction from the rear causing you to get stuck. Unlike a truck and trailer, the truck still has the drive train with 100% traction and can still drag the trailer, even if the trailer had no wheels at all, it potentially could still drag it. But if the rear tires of your motor home loose traction, you are simply stuck. Skid wheels will just make the skid bars even longer, making it even more of a potential for the drive wheels to loose traction. So, that's a bad idea in my opinion.

    If you can install the air bags, that might be a better solution. That way, you can lift the rear where the skid bars are and get the ground clearance.

    Another option is to remove the skid bars completely. You'd need to go to a welder and have them cut them off, maybe make them shorter.
  • My guess is that your rear end needs to tightened up a bit.
  • Did you try backing in at an angle? Air bags may lift it 2" at most.