Adirondacker wrote:
I appreciate all the good feedback.
I had previously ruled out getting a gasser since I anticipate doing a lot of mountain driving. But there seems to be some good reasons listed as to why I should leave it as a possibility.
Have any of you with gassers had any trouble climbing up or down hills/mountains? I hate the idea of being the guy causing the back-up going up the switch-backs...
I would probably go DP if I could afford it, with what I've read about quietness in the "cab" and ride. But on our budget the gasser V10 will probably be it, and it's no slouch from what I know (Ford guy here...)
I'll echo the previous comment about delam. Be very careful not to get one with issues. My first TT and then 5er had no issues. My next 5er had all sorts of delam issues. You don't want to have to deal with that.
Lastly about switchbacks ... no matter what your rig you'll probably cause a backup :) We go to mountain destinations and in particular one place where there's a few miles of 25mph and less switchbacks to get to the top. My "old" F250 has enough grunt to make the climb with out 10k 5er - even with the 6% and higher grades - but it's cornering speed that makes the difference. Smaller, lower CG vehicles are going to have an easier time making it around the curves. So I wouldn't sweat it. You're in a big rig, drive at a comfortable speed for you and be safe.
Having said that I do on occasion catch up to car drivers who are far less comfortable on the mountain roads than I am with my truck and camper :)