Keep your ads simple, most calls are 1st time buyers...I was too detailed with my description online and window ads. I stated tank sizes, all the extras then got questions "where does it go when you flush?" You should ask a few RV experience questions right away and let your dialog tailor to what you think their understand is.
Have support when they tour...Photos really help, give out copies of a brochure for your model and print a NADA price list. It's OK to say "I don't know the condition of that other less expensive model, ours has no issues."
The folks that question details, you can answer as they come up. Craigslist is OK for exposure, but make it where the curious have to put in some effort to make it convenient for you. I am not a salesman in any way, so I offered to show it any time someone legitimate called. Our TT sold from an ad in a business window even tho it was listed on 10 different webpages. The buyers were 1st timers, so they could watch their house being built. Our 2nd TT sell was folks that had just sold their house. Good Luck.