If I found the correct Craigslist ad you need better pictures. Those look like you're trying to hide something.
Remove the dash picture, too much clutter.
You need wide shots showing more of the inside in one frame. Pic of overhead?
I had to guess at model M-2860DS? That should be in the first sentence.
Even though a generator is standard state the make and kw output. That is usually my 1st question, what generator does it have.
You're asking a fair price but don't be disappointed if you walk away with less than $60K in the end. This depends on how bad you want to get out from under it.
Ignore all of above if I am commenting on the wrong ad.
NEVER EVER reply to an email from Craigslist you do not want to do business with. You said you told someone to get lost. Any scammer or unwanted email should be deleted. Do Not Reply to those.