I am in a similar situation as you, looking to move from a travel trailer to a class A. I wanted to drive one but thought a short drive with a salesman yacking in my ear the whole time would not be productive.
So we rented one for four nights. The biggest we could get was 33 feet but it gave me the driving experience baseline I wanted. We were not allowed to tow anything so we had to use the coach for everything. Which was perfect.
We picked up the motor home near Eugene, OR and went to a private park just south of Sisters. I drove on freeways, narrow 2 lane country roads, 2 lane winding mountain roads with up to 6% grades. We were in and out of the campground every day, going sight seeing, negotiating various parking lots, getting gas, going into town for dinner. It was great. And there was no salesman yacking in my ear the whole time. Also DW was extremely impressed with it so the trip also served to convince us both that a class A was the right RV for us.
It probably took me an hour or so before I started feeling comfortable driving it so a test drive would have left me in "white knuckle mode" the whole time. Now I have enough experience to know what I want to learn in a test drive. And I am comfortable enough with it that I can relax and evaluate the ride.
It was not cheap trip, but worth every penny and we had a really nice time to boot. I highly recommend it.
Good luck,