When we bought our class A 2 years ago, we figured out the exact make and model we wanted with the options we had to have. We found six dealers selling exactly what we wanted. We sent them emails requesting their best 'out the door' price (minus tax and tags). We considered all the prices and chose the second lowest one and put down a deposit over the phone.
The prices we received varied from $98K to $120K on an MSRP of $146K. We chose the second lowest ($99K) based on customer reviews of their service and repairs.
We then negotiated the price on our trade in. We took a lower $$ amount than our trade in's value but we negotiated two additional batteries installed in the new class A, two fantastic fan vent covers installed, and the movement of our entire solar power system from the old trailer to the new class A. In the end, we got almost low retail for our trade in when including the additional parts and labor.
We drove 1000 miles to do the sale. It was worth it, as our closest dealer was the one who wanted $120K. Best of luck purchasing your new RV.