enblethen wrote:
Have you cleaned the small actuator rods on the side of the cylinders?
There is a small roller on the top which needs to be clean and lubricated. This not turning can cause the jacks to operate funny.
Clean them off good, then spray with silicone. You should be able to turn the small roller.
AS he stated, make sure that round bearing freely turns, lots of WD40 will help on that bearing. Due to the age of your system the odds are the Actuator piston assbly on the offending jacks probably needs replaced. These older systems (Kick down jacks) are extremely susceptible to any rust or corrosion stopping free movement. When the jacks are retracted, you should be able to grab each jack and pull it down vertical and it should then spring back up horizontal. If not, then find and fix that problem first(Actuator/springs/roller bearing). Make sure that when retracted, the jack hangs downward slightly and it NOT perfectly horizontal to the ground. The online manual we gave you a link too will tell you how to adjust. Even a pinched Hydraulic line at the clamp on the jack can cause problems. Make sure that the Hyd line has no pinched areas. Doug