Forum Discussion

Spizzer's avatar
Jun 20, 2014

HWH leveling gone

Hi All,

We have been traveling for several days across the midwest in 95 deg temps and lots of humidity. We pulled into our spot today, which was pretty level and I hit the auto-level like always. All of a sudden I realized that it was lifting the drivers side way, way high, so I quickly hit the stop and then auto store. I retracted the jacks and then manually leveled it using a level, and not the lights, as the lights were not right.

After getting settled and eating dinner, I decided to take a look at it. If I turn on the key, the left side light says low. If I shake the coach by shifting my weight back and forth, opposing yellow lights come on. I looked through the HWH 626 manual and it says if there are opposing yellow lights, replace the sensing unit. If the yellow lights differ from what is on the sensor itself, replace the controller. I crawled under and without taking the see through cover off, it is hard to tell, and the lights change with a jiggling of the coach.

However, while I was under there, I noticed that the dash A/C condensation drip is right above the box. At one point when we had stopped for a few minutes, I had noticed quite a puddle under that point from the dash air. One of the plugs on the side of the HWH controller has a zip tied rubber boot on it that had slide way off the plug. I pushed it back on. I do not see any indication of moisture in the box.

I have not yet started through the troubleshooting with the multitude of other lights in the box.
Any thoughts? Similar issues with water on the box? All thoughts are welcome.


  • azpete wrote:
    the first thing to do is to download a service manual for your system. these are free at the website. go thru the diagnostics, and it should lead you to the problem. there is no way to do a good quick diagnosis without it. it has wire numbers location and function of each wire. it will also have a sheet for the operation and location of the led's.
    if you have problems, call me at 602-549-3638. i can help. i do work for hwh.
    my phone is on all the time.


    I have the document, and just need to go through the guide. It seems pretty detailed. I appreciate your provoiding your number.

    After a couple of days of drying out, the problem is still there. I had to manually
    Level at our next stop.

    Thanks again,

  • the first thing to do is to download a service manual for your system. these are free at the website. go thru the diagnostics, and it should lead you to the problem. there is no way to do a good quick diagnosis without it. it has wire numbers location and function of each wire. it will also have a sheet for the operation and location of the led's.
    if you have problems, call me at 602-549-3638. i can help. i do work for hwh.
    my phone is on all the time.
  • Fleet Man wrote:
    Spizzer, Thanks for mentioning the dash A/C condenser drain. I checked mine today and installed a longer drain hose to route the condensation away from components underneath.

    Hey Fleetman,

    I was thinking of the same thing as soon as I get to a autoparts store to buy some hose. Glad you got it done!

  • sdianel wrote:
    You can call the factory in Moscow Iowa and they can assist with troubleshooting. Not sure how long it will take for a tech to return your call if they are very busy. We took our motor home to the factory for service. They are great.

    Lonny, I think I will give them a call. We are pulling out tomorrow and I will check to see if sitting a few days drying out did anything.


  • Spizzer, Thanks for mentioning the dash A/C condenser drain. I checked mine today and installed a longer drain hose to route the condensation away from components underneath.
  • You can call the factory in Moscow Iowa and they can assist with troubleshooting. Not sure how long it will take for a tech to return your call if they are very busy. We took our motor home to the factory for service. They are great.
  • Executive wrote:
    While I can't help you with your jacks...we have air levelers,...I can offer one piece of advice...DO NOT CRAWL UNDER YOUR COACH WITHOUT IT BEING BLOCKED ! especially when you're troubleshooting leveling problems. If the coach falls, you will not have enough time to get out from underneath it. People have died doing just what you've careful and safe....Dennis

    Thank you guys for your concern, and I am being safe. My control box is right behind the front bumper facade and I I know I can fit under there with no jacks and the airbags totally dumped coach sitting on the stops.

    Executive wrote:
    While I can't help you with your jacks...we have air levelers,...I can offer one piece of advice...DO NOT CRAWL UNDER YOUR COACH WITHOUT IT BEING BLOCKED ! especially when you're troubleshooting leveling problems. If the coach falls, you will not have enough time to get out from underneath it. People have died doing just what you've careful and safe....Dennis
  • While I can't help you with your jacks...we have air levelers,...I can offer one piece of advice...DO NOT CRAWL UNDER YOUR COACH WITHOUT IT BEING BLOCKED ! especially when you're troubleshooting leveling problems. If the coach falls, you will not have enough time to get out from underneath it. People have died doing just what you've careful and safe....Dennis