To get to US 550 from Santa Fe, you will either need to go south on I-25 almost to Albuquerque OR you can easily drive north on US 84 from Santa Fe to US 160 in Pagosa Springs, CO. No major passes on either route. 550 is a four-lane highway to just beyond the CO state line. Not much in the way of services until Durango, although Cuba, NM has accessible fueling stations. You would end up in Durango, about 35 miles east of Mesa Verde on either route. US 84 is a lot shorter from Santa Fe, in fact, it only makes sense to take this route. A perfectly good two-lane highway. Services are in Chama, NM on 84, as well as lots of fun things to do: fly-fishing and the Cumbres and Toltec railroad over Cumbres pass. Very scenic. Lots of RV parks in Chama, Pagosa and Durango. 84 has a short stretch of winding road with little in the way of shoulders, but if you keep your speed down, you will have NO problem. No major altitude gains, at least not all at once, on either route. Have driven all routes in a 38' DP with toad.