Boring!! Two of our children graduated Sac State, and we have friends in Herrold. We make the trip a lot. Since I keep my speed between 55 and 60 traffic is not a problem, they pass me, I do not have to pass anything. I-5 has by far less merging traffic, so it is an easer drive, as you only have to set your cruise control and sit in the right lane. Harris Ranch is the 1/2 way point, with a lovely restaurant, nice grassy areas, and rather expensive, both for food and fuel. I usually fuel up at the 76 station at the Highway 12 exit. Same exit as Flying J but the 76 actually have a nicer access and egress. I-5 also has newer, more frequent rest areas. Sometimes we take the 99 just for a change in scenery, or when construction is in progress on the I-5.
Happy Trails.