Forum Discussion

Therapy_Time's avatar
Jul 28, 2015

Ice makers??

I have a 2004 Southwind by Fleetwood, and for the life of me, I cannot figure how to get the ice maker to work. I'm sure it's something simple that I have missed but do ya'll have any suggestions?
  • On mine, a little valve must be open under the sink on the output side of the drinking filter. Then, the metal bar on the ice maker itself must be in the down position.
  • I had a stand alone ice maker in my Mountain Aire and thought it would be great because we use it all the time at home. If you travel and get water along the way you can get some strange tasting ice. After the second time with rotten ice I gave up and bought bags of tasteless ice. It also one less thing to winterize.
  • They can be a royal pain. I finally took mine out and bought some great ice trays. I kept the dispenser so still have the ice from the door.

    The bail wire must be down of course. Using a turkey baster I had to "prime" mine a few times.

    If your ice maker has a square plastic face, pop it off and turn the gear. The metal bail wire should go through a cycle and then you can't turn the wheel any longer.

    In the back of the refer you probably have two AC plugs. Often each socket is supplied by different breakers. Make sure you have power on both.
  • et2, we have gone over the manual a number of times, it's a little vague when talking about the ice maker. The water line under the kitchen sink, that appears to go towards the fridge, has an open/close toggle on the cold line. It had a 't' connector on it that one went up to the sink for instant cold water while the other half went towards the fridge (behind the cabinets of course, so I'm guessing again). I removed the cold water dispenser and added a lotion dispenser on the sink. When I did this, I changed the 't' connector to a straight line one. There is water flow going somewhere, maybe to the cooling aspects of the fridge? We have tried leaving the ice maker arm up, for one trip, then down for the next trip, still nothing happened. Its so frustrating to know I have an ice maker but still have to buy bags of ice. :h Thanks for your help!!
  • Also they usually have water shut off valve on the back.
  • Do you have a manual? It could help. Sometimes there is a switch to turn on at the ice maker part or elsewhere. Some you just flip up the arm to make it think the tray is full, that shuts the ice make off.