msmith1199 wrote:
Alan_Hepburn wrote:
These speed limit threads are entertaining! I'm one of those "john donkeys" who follow the 55 mph limit pretty closely. I've been driving since 1965, and towing things since 1971 so I've got a few miles under my belt. My cruise control is usually set on 58 mph when on the freeways, because that's what I feel is a good compromise between safety and economy. In all the years I've been driving I can't recall a single instance when people have flipped me off for my speed, or driven up my tailpipe. I don't know if I'm just lucky or what - people seem to be able to pass me with no drama.
I also try to pull over if I've got cars behind me on a 2-lane road - but I make sure I can do it safely, and I signal my intentions.
You live in San Jose and you've never been tailgated? Really?
Yup - I try to keep to the right-hand lane and I've never witnessed a horn-honk or a finger waved in my direction, except for a couple of guys who were merging onto the freeway at about 40 mph when the right lane was moving at the speed limit. I couldn't move over, and traffic was heavy enough that I didn't want to slow the entire lane down so I held my spot - they finally looked over at me when it was the last possible moment before they were on the shoulder. The driver hit the brakes, pulled in behind me, then recklessly pulled into the next lane, doing about 35; sped up to 65 and waved as they went by - why they couldn't have displayed that impressive acceleration when they were trying to merge will forever remain a mystery...