Forum Discussion

goufgators's avatar
Nov 14, 2013

If DW sees this...I'm DM (dead meat)!

Just wondering how many other RV'er's of the male gender have this problem. When the DW and I leave for a short one or two week trip, she always takes enough dresses, pant suits, blouses, etc. to see her (without doing laundry) for ( I kid you not) a couple of months! And, guess who is charged with carrying all those clothes to the MH and returning them (unused) to the house on return. Of course she always has an excuse such as, for example: "I don't know what the weather will be like so I need to be prepared". Of course, I perform that chore without too much complaining because, as you know, when Mama's not one's happy! :)
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    Easy solution... let her buy a second set of cloths that stay in the MH and I've been told this is cheaper than a divorce. Other than food for the refer we leave ours ready to go.
  • RoyB wrote:
    All ladies do this - grin and bear it like the rest of us do... I carry alot of my toys as well... I call them PLAN B items...

    Well, not sure "all ladies do this". My GF has one medium size duffle bag that she uses for any trip she makes - weekend in the RV or a three months stay in Europe. However when it comes to food, she does overpack. I think she inherited that gene from her mother. It used to be that there wasn't enough food on-board the RV unless there was no space left and we were over gross on vehicle weight. Traveling with both her and her mother in the RV almost required towing a trailer! But over the years she's gotten a lot better and she's learned that anything she forgot can probably be found at Walmart along the way.
  • Same for any trip. I used to trqvel on business and could pack a week in one carry on. We went to europe for two weeks, me, one bag, her three and half of my one.
  • Just wondering how many other RV'er's of the male gender have this problem. When the DW and I leave for a short one or two week trip, she always takes enough dresses, pant suits, blouses, etc. to see her (without doing laundry) for ( I kid you not) a couple of months! And, guess who is charged with carrying all those clothes to the MH and returning them (unused) to the house on return. Of course she always has an excuse such as, for example: "I don't know what the weather will be like so I need to be prepared". Of course, I perform that chore without too much complaining because, as you know, when Mama's not one's happy! :)

    :) And its taken you this long to discover this "universal" female aximon:):). My solution,
    "what ever you want to wear you carrying into the RV" or "Here is the credit card so that you can buy 2 of everything you want to take on the next trip so you can just leave them in the RV for future trips". So now I don't have to carry any more of her clothes but my credit card took a big hit:):):)
  • I feel your pain. Along with the clothes I carry food back into the house. It is like she don't believe there would be grocery stores where we are going. Still we make at least one Wal Mart stop every two days.
  • Welcome to the club. I can tell you one thing, it aint a goin to change any.
    We will just keep on being the clothes pack horse, in and out and keep these pretty ladies happy
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    All ladies do this - grin and bear it like the rest of us do... I carry alot of my toys as well... I call them PLAN B items...