Their smaller trucks remind me of the older pre-Tacoma Toyota Hilux design. A truck design that is darn near bulletproof.
My first official vehicle purchase was one of those, and even though it was way underpowered to the point of frustration, it was unkillable, and I knew it would run in the morning. Of course, the fact it was a single cab made it not much fun for long trips.
I can see a company continuing to make a clone of that design of vehicle. It may not be up to 2014 EPA standards, but it is good enough to survive the rigors of rough roads and the fact that maintaining any type of vehicle can be an issue.
As for the class "C", I also like the interior's simplicity. I've wondered why someone can't make a class "B" like that (simply made, but well built) similar to the Westies of yore.