1. The various air valves are connected to the GRAY system. So, flushing the toilet will not cause those valves to "leak" odors.
2. The most common sewer smell when flushing would be the rubber toilet seal on top the toilet flange.
3. Pour Pine sol in the gray tank and see if you get Pine Sol smell when flushing. This will narrow the cause down
4. IF you have a Clothes washer, make sure you have water in the washer P trap. Especially if you rarely use the Washer.
5. IF you are using Black Tank chemical(You SHOULD), then there should be no real smell coming from the Black tank.
6. Last, but I have seen this in Tiffins also, the 3 inch down pipe attached to the top of the Black tank from the toilet may have come loose or is NOT sealed and that will cause Black tank odor into the RV when flushing. The only way to check this is to pull the toilet, but if you need to check the toilet seal(item 2 above), then it is not a wasted effort. Doug