Passin Thru wrote:
Give us your name and address. We're from the IRS and would be happy to help you. Get Honest. Pay unto Caesar that which is Caesars. you can get into Hot water by dodging taxes and Fees.You people can afford a $250,000.00 Motor Home why can't you pay taxes like the rest of us?
I hope you realize that the IRS is a FEDERAL tax agency. They really don't CARE what STATE taxes you do or do not pay, unless you claim them as a deduction on your Federal Tax return.
Besides, I thought he was talking about INSURANCE cost, not registration cost or taxes.
To the OP; go to the UPS store in the town where you need an address, and rent a PMB. Use your name, the street address of the store, PMB XX, City, State, and ZIP as your Carolina address for registration purposes.