Nui wrote:
My sisters live in Ontario and are full-time RV'ers. They spend 6 months in Ontario and 6 months as snowbirds. Recently, they were told that they could not get insurance for their Class A Motorhome because they don't have a fixed Ontario address. This is ridiculous! Surely they aren't the only full-timers in Ontario. What does everyone else do? Any help would be appreciated.
Its impossible not to have a fixed address so their mixed up over part of this; as said above its mandatory to have a fixed address within the province otherwise U have no passport no driver licence No tax return no medical coverage etc etc etc
Its easy to be full timers BUT you absolutely must have a legal mailing address;; the big issue is medical coverage if somehow they find out your not in the province ariound 6 months of the year they can cut you off for a 90 day period (I base that on BC regulation)
however there is no program in place that iam aware of that tracks a persons movements with in Canada (other than EMB) LOL