I just left State Farm and went with Farm Bureau, here in Texas. Don't know if you have such up there. State Farm was getting pretty snotty with me and I was paying them $5200/yr for all my policies. They had just raised one of my policies by $400/yr because I scraped a fender in a car wash and turned it in to repair. Last straw for me! With Farm Bureau, my yearly total premium went down to $4000/yr, saving $1200/yr, and I have more coverage, better deductibles.
Better watch State Farm if you switch. They are supposed to backdate the time of cancellation to the date you obtain coverage with the new company. Instead, they used the date they received notification from the new company, a difference of 20 days, which cost me $259 in refunds. I told them I was submitting a complaint against them to the Texas state insurance board (and I was). They backed down and used the proper date.