I removed an Intec camera and monitor from my 2000 HR Endeavor. My system was a black and white version. It may be similar to your system.
The monitor was difficult to remove as it must be pushed into the cavity behind the dash and worked around all the wiring bundles. My camera was held in place with only a huge bed of caulking.
Consider reusing the existing 6 pin cable running from the monitor to the camera. This would take some effort to figure out the connections and a little soldering, but much easier than running a new cable.
You may be able to use a wireless system, but I really prefer the wired systems.
If you want to see the documentation about how I did my system, go to the link below:
Link to changing Intec monitor/cameraand download the file labeled "Rear View Cameras (2) & Monitor Install". You'll have to scroll down a bit to see the file.