On a similar note, last summer our 2011 E450 did not want to start after stopping to refuel. Also it developed a hung starter while trying to start. Anyhow finally got it to start and we left the station. As I merged onto I 40 from I 17 it died. Coasted to side of road and went thru the same ordeal of no start/hung starter. Finally started again got to the campground (left running) and got a campsite. Would not start again, called for roadside assist. Now there were no codes showing and he indicated a bad fuel pump as the culprit. Anyhow ended up changing the TPS at the intake, and had to drive to Phx to get a fuel pump (4th july weekend). They replaced the fuel pump, replaced the started lock on the steering column, the tps, they said the battery was weak also. Went and R&Rd all still no start! Another day in the shop (had a laptop with ford trouble shooting so knew what was going on) Played with a lot of stuff. Finally a tech came out and said lets try something. Went over to a E450 with a bad trans and pulled the Fuel Pump Relay hooked it in and viola all worked as it was supposed to. So not all things are simple anymore and even with all the scan tools somethings remain invisible. BTW a fuel pump is around $550, a good maint free battery around $200, the relay depending on where you buy is $65 (dealer, orielly) and $250 off internet, autozone so be a wise shopper. I now carry a spare relay just in case. Trouble shooting of fuel pump found no issues but they tore it apart trying to figure out if it could be repaid just in case! It cost around around $1900 total and as a FYI GS extended coverage covered around $1400 after my deductible and some non-essential items.