Forum Discussion

St_Albert_Vectr's avatar
Jun 19, 2013

Interior 12v lights not working

Hello I`m looking for help, I bought a 1997 Vectra Grand tour and when I connect house power to the MH the TVs, Microwave, 120v outlets work. When I connected it to 50 amp power even the AC worked just not the interior lights. The 2 batteries would power the light for only a short time (10 minutes), Now the batteries are totally dead, I have them charging now, my question is once they are totally charged will they power the light from shore power or will they just drain. I can`t figure this out, please help.

Thanks Jason
  • Reading your first post, it seems to me that if the batteries are good, then you have one of two options. The first is to check the converter. It should provide power to the 12v items when the MH is plugged into shore power. Depending on how your MH is wired, the battery disconnect (if it has one) sometimes will stop everything and sometime everything except the LP detector and so on. Second would be the battery disconnect.
  • Converter will probably be in one of the storage bays. Or it could be built in with the AC panel. Not sure how winnebago did it that year. Maybe a call to them with the VIN and they can tell you right where it is.
  • The batteries aren't that old and the cells are full, just they were every low on charge.
    I have them charging now, my concern in when I put them in and run the house power to the unit will it keep them charged because if so shouldn't the house power over ride the batteries and power the lights now.
    Were would I find the converter to see if it's the problem and I can't find the batteries disconnect it's not by the door or on the dash?

    The RV is in Alberta Canada

    Thanks Jason
  • It's either the batteries are no good and/or the converter/charger is bad too. The converter should keep the batteries charged when plugged in unless the batteries are so bad the converter is shutting down. The converter should also run all the 12 volt interior lights. Maybe battery disconnect is turned off which shuts off house batteries.
  • is this the same or different from your earlier post??..:h:h.

    In that post you said much of your 120V did not work, now you say it's only your 12V that doesn't. Which is it?..:h:h

    Did you find your kill switch..:h
    Did you reset your converter/inverter..:h
    Did you check your cord and plug..:h

    Earlier post
  • How old are the batteries? Have them tested at an auto parts store for free. If good, then you can rule them out as the problem and look elsewhere, but dead or "defective" batteries is usually to blame.
  • It sorta sounds as if your Inverter/converter is faulty. The lights are 12VDC, so being hooked up to shore power shouldn't make a difference....other than that it's charging your batteries and the converter is providing the 12VDC.

    I'm guessing that you've got bad batteries....maybe a dead cell or two, and they won't charge up properly, so you lose the lights after a fairly short time. A good battery should keep those lights on all night.

    The 110VAC stuff (Microwave, A/C, and any outlets) will work with the shore power, and you may get some 110VAC from the outlets if your Inverter is working properly, and the batteries are fully charged.

    Hope that helps some....but you may want to have the systems checked out by someone who knows RV electric a bit better.

    Happy Camping:)