Forum Discussion

BobAndDonna's avatar
Aug 29, 2014

Interior Remodeling

I don't know whether this question is appropriate, but I hope it doesn't break any forum rules.

I need an interior remodel for my 2007 Discovery and it's something beyond what I can do as a DIY project. We'll be returning to Arizona in a few weeks and wondered if anyone would recommend a shop in the Phoenix area. I'm looking at flooring, upholstery, TV upgrades and a custom computer desk.

I've Googled a few places, but it's always nice to have a recommendation from a satisfied customer.
  • APR in Mesa. They might even come to you to do the job.
  • Haven't got any experience, but on the new RV show sponsored by Lazy Days, a couple had their MH updated with some new cabinets etc at the shop there. I think it is filmed in FL, but there is a Lazy Days in Tuscon, maybe they could help.

    Either way, I would ask for references and call the people. See if they have any samples of their work that you can actually see the type drawers, or upholstery trim, etc. I know I would want to actually see something they had done.