Forum Discussion

Geocritter's avatar
Apr 21, 2015

Intermittent turn signal failure (first works then doesn't)

My RV is a 1994 33’ Holiday Rambler with a Ford F53 chassis. I have a question about power relays. When I begin a journey I always check my turn signals and brake lights before starting out. Twice now, at journey’s end, it appeared that the turn signals weren’t working. However, later on, after I was settled, I checked the turn signals (and brake lights) and everything was working fine. I don’t know if the brake lights are affected or if the headlights/tail lights are working. I only know that I’m not getting the standard turn signal indicator lights at the dashboard. I normally pull a toad when I travel and use magnetic tail lights with it. Does the circuit have a relay that might be overheating and temporarily kicking out? If so where would the relay be? Is it the TRAILER MARKER LAMPS RELAY in the photo?

Some kind person posted this photo sometime ago. I believe it show’s the same setup that I have on my RV.

I'm planning on a short 160 mile trip to San Marcos TX soon so I can replace my rigs failing engine. The thought of making the trip on a bad engine is stressful enough without having to worry about whether or not I have turn signals (and brake lights).

  • When u change flasher, go to heavy duty for towing. If flasher gets overloaded it will slow thins down or quit.
  • I'll replace the turn signal flasher and see if that helps. Sorry for my time out, I've been hit with pollen allergies this spring worse than I have in years.
  • Just had that happen on my f53 chasis in Vancouver on our way home. Turned out when I wiggled the wires coming down the steering column it worked. Followed the wires to the firewall just at the base of the steering column and they plugged into a relay attached at the firewall. Unplugged and plugged in the wires again and problem solved ! Connection at the relay was loose from vibration and the occassional rubbing of the winter floor mat.
  • There is a fuse panel under the driver's side dash. It contains the turn signal flasher. The flasher connection is a known problem and some times over heats. I have seen reports of owners cutting the wires loose and installing new ends to connect to the flasher. Also, the turn signal switch on older units such as ours has been known to fail. Easy replacement. Steering wheel does NOT have to be removed. Reasonably priced turn signal switchs on

    95 Bounder F53
  • Shot in the dark here, but remove the steering column cover and plug and unplug a few time, any connectors that you might find in the area around the column.