The inverter and generator really are two separate items but they are tied together by the batteries.
If generator won't start, meaning it won't spin over fast or long enough, then the problem is either the starter (unlikely) or the battery is bad or the connection(s) to the battery are bad.
Your battery??? If the battery at idle shows that its charged then when a load is added, the same diagnosis as above for the generator except the starter part.
Not knowing the age of the batteries, I'd suggest you do the easy first: remove the cables, ONE AT A TIME and clean the connection. THere can be a lot of connections depending on how many batteries you have. Don't assume that you can remove all the battery cables at once and clean and replace. Your memory isn't that good. One at a time. Wear eye protection.
If that doesn't cure your problem, have the battery(s) load tested. If one is bad, replace all of them if possible. Replacing one battery out of a bank of batteries is just buying a bit of time until you have to repeat the process.