jeremywatco wrote:
As a follow up... Its all installed and working great. Only question I have is this.... I drilled a hole out the side of the basement. It was carpet on top of metal. The hole was only large enough to squeeze two battery cables through and I used foam to seal it. Question is will the metal eventually cut through my cables from road vibration?
Maybe, maybe not. And if it's fused as you've described a dead short like that should pop it pretty quick, but maybe not before the cable welds itself to the body or sets the carpet on fire. I would put a grommet there to be safe. And check on it once in a while.
As an aside, I have a 1200 watt inverter in my limo. It's fed from a trunk-mounted battery that I installed. I ran 0-gauge wire 20-feet to a distribution block about 3 feet from the inverter (all of the a/v and electrical stuff is hidden behind the front seats on the partition so I had to run the battery cable up there). I ran 4-gauge wire from there to the inverter about 3 feet away. I've plugged coffee makers and other high-amp stuff into it without any problems. You'll be fine with the 4-gauge wire for that short run.
In my short time here I've noticed a lot of people install inverters in their MHs. It makes sense for a lot of smaller-amperage 120V stuff so you don't have to run the generator. I'll have to add that to the to-do list as well.