1. I would demand all new batteries. After 3 years, I can gurantee those batteries have gone dead a few times and have lost their life span.
2. Verify What warranty remains. Even NEW units, the OEM's have limitations on exterior sealants. Most do NOT cover exterior sealants after unit is 90 days old. 90 days from delivery TO the Dealer not the retail customer. So, examine the exterior Paint and sealants, If defects verify they will fix BEFORE delivery.
3. LOT ROT on RV's is REAL. Just sitting things deteriorate. Go thru the unit yourself, ALL THINGS, do not trust the PDI tech to catch these things
4. Missing/Robbed parts and appliances are also a big concern. They remove to put on other sold units and then forget to order and replace those items. THIS WILL NOT BE A WARRANTY CONCERN. If you are NOT local, do NOT allow the dealer to state,"just have your local dealer repair/install those items". WE get these type units all the time, from those dealers and the OEM's says NO WAY, we will NOT warranty missing or Broken items from another dealers delivery.
5. Look up what a 3 year old Model of what you are buying is selling for today, THAT is what your RV is worth when you buy today.
6. Having 2018 models left over usually points to a BADLY run Dealership from Sales to Service. Think about that when you tour that dealership and read reviews about them. They have been paying Floorplan interest for almost 2 to 3 years. Most smart Sales managers blow out unsold units after 6 months on the dealership at a discount. Doug