we bought a 2012 winnebago but had been considering the melborne. They do come with many standard things we liked, but as with many do not have leveling jacks as standard equipment, the winnebago had them. As noted above they do not have a lot of outside storage space, but for a single person that may not be much of an issue. Our winnebago has more but not much. Quality wise I would rate tham as about equal overall but on one that we looked at (4 years old) it did suffer a lot of rust and had some issues. It was from canada so they do see lots of salt/chloride on the roads and suffer as a result. Was also later told that you need to be aware of the same problem with any that come from the east cost or gulf areas due to salt content of moisture in those areas. The melbornes are about $15K less than a winnebago depending on dealer, they did however indicate that they give 2 year warranties vs the normal 1 year that is comonly found and that the dealers take care of the warranty issues for the appliances not the owner! Anyhow I would say yes you would probably be happy with one but only you can really make that determination. Does it have the amenities you want and is it in the price range? One thing that is nice they do have one of the better driver compartments with the all power seats and stuff, only thing the winnebago didnt have that I wanted!