We store our rig in our garage located under our bedroom, so it is very important for the gray and black tank systems to be odor-free. I don't want any sewer gas from the RV vent pipe to get into the garage, then upstairs. I use bleach to clean the two tanks at the end of the season. I fill the tanks half way with warm water, add a quart of bleach to each, then fill the tanks to their tippy-top. I will then let the bleach do it's thing for a half hour to one hour, then drain and refill only with warm water a second time. Let sit to soak/absorb a while, then drain again and all is clean and fresh. I've done this for 6 seasons and have not had any issues with any seals and such to-date.
At the start of the season, I will add around 12 ounces of bleach to the fresh water tank, fill to over-flowing with fresh water, and then run the water through all plumbing fixtures, let sit a half hour to an hour, then drain everything. Then repeat the process a second time without bleach.
It seems no matter how much I flush out the fresh water tank afterwards, there remains a swimming pool chlorine smell in the fresh water plumbing system for a week thereafter. So if on a trip that week, we will not use the water for consumption. Our noses tell us when it's good to use with food and drink. I think it takes a week for the chlorine to neutralize and then get removed through toilet & shower usage.
Oh yes, we have an accumulator tank as well.