Maintenance records an absolute must. IF you know nothing about motorhomes you should have an independent person inspect the coach. Their asking price is most likely what they owe on it.
Look at the date codes on the tires,not when they said they were installed. The tires may be a year old then add 5 to that.
Look for a mobile RV mechanic and ask how much to inspect, the best money you will ever spend. If a 200 dollar inspection seems like a waste of money ,a simple water leak, gone unnoticed, will set you back a ton.
A motorhome doesn't care if it is 200 miles from home or 2000. If something fails ,it was it's time. 48K on a Ford V-10 is almost to it's break in mileage. There aren't grandpa's engines that quit at 100K. That engine will go 300K with regular scheduled maintenance.