Forum Discussion

gschob's avatar
Oct 21, 2014

ISB 300 Power loss / Turbo Failure

I have a 2004 Newmar Kountry Star with 69k miles. It's been a great coach and I have had no problems to date. On my last trip I noticed significant power loss, especially when climbing hills or taking off from a dead stop, it's as if there is no turbo. No engine lights have come on to indicate problems. I changed the fuel filter but it made no difference. Finally took it to the Freightliner shop who told me they found 250+ codes related to the turbo. They have to do some more diagnostics tomorrow but they think the turbo may need to be replaced. I asked...what causes a turbo to go out and they said "heat". This makes no sense on a rig with such low mileage. Anyone have any experience with this? If I do need to replace the turbo is this the time to replace with a banks or some other aftermarket turbo for more power? This is going to cost me :(

The most confusing part of this is that the power loss was noticed immediately after I refueled at a Flying J in Wells NV with brand new pumps....
  • moparmaga2: You are having problems because that engine has an emission system that never worked properly and Cat will not do anything that will correct the problem. Your DPF is also problematic. When Cat left the OTR business they stopped doing any fixes for their problems! There may be some trucker hackers that can eliminate that junk!

  • Check to see if yours has the fuel strainer in the fuel line usally on curb side above rear axle.

    many owners and service people are not even aware the strainer is there.
  • gschob wrote:
    I have a 2004 Newmar Kountry Star with 69k miles. It's been a great coach and I have had no problems to date. On my last trip I noticed significant power loss, especially when climbing hills or taking off from a dead stop, it's as if there is no turbo. No engine lights have come on to indicate problems. I changed the fuel filter but it made no difference. Finally took it to the Freightliner shop who told me they found 250+ codes related to the turbo. They have to do some more diagnostics tomorrow but they think the turbo may need to be replaced. I asked...what causes a turbo to go out and they said "heat". This makes no sense on a rig with such low mileage. Anyone have any experience with this? If I do need to replace the turbo is this the time to replace with a banks or some other aftermarket turbo for more power? This is going to cost me :(

    The most confusing part of this is that the power loss was noticed immediately after I refueled at a Flying J in Wells NV with brand new pumps....

    Do you have a boost gauge on the engine?
  • Check/change the fuel strainer. I had the same problem, service dept hadn't changed the strainer when the yearly maintenance was done. Problems started later.
    The flow chart/troubleshooting for the turbo starts with turbo replacement, then the lift pump, then the fuel strainer.
    Good Luck
    Journey Indiana
  • Unfortunately I have bad news since I am the turbo expert being as how my now sold 2009 Safari Cheetah with worlds biggest POS Caterpillar C9 blew through 4 in 40000 miles. Luckily mine were all under warranty but it seems you will not be so lucky.

    They told me the turbos went out due to not idling to let them cool off even though I idled 5-10 minutes each time I shut motor down. Then of course they told me that my emissions system kept going out due to too much idling. If you can't tell, I am fed up with diesels.

    Anyway, based on my experience with replacing 4 turbos, expect approx a $7000 bill if you have a rear radiator coach. May be cheaper for side radiator because of ease of access.