Thank you all for your comments. As an update here- We tested the batteries with a multi-meter- 12v each. Turned on the engine- over 13v each so it appears there is nothing wrong there.
We both feel really dumb for not realizing this, but when the guy that sold us the batteries told us to take the trickle charger off the chassis battery and put it on the house batteries, can you guess where it was plugged in? In the RV entry way.. So we were essentially charging our batteries with our batteries. I suspect this is what killed them on our trip?
We did ask the PO why they had the trickle and he said just as a backup to keep the chassis charged but not because there was an issue.
From the few comments, the way I am understanding this is that the generator will charge the house batteries when running- The alternator will keep the batteries from dying when the engine is running, but the main charging component of the house batteries is the converter? I prob do not know what I am looking for, but where is this located? Ive checked the battery bay, behind the drawers in the kitchen, and am not seeing anything. Any ideas where Winnebago hides this and is it a for sure that we have one? I also tried to find three knobs on the inverter/charger but I do not know where that is, if I have one.
Thank you all again so very much.