Hank85713 wrote:
Tow haul usage is one of the big discussion points just like the question used to be on what oil is 'best'. Yes use it if the vehicle is struggling against the wind, going up a long hill etc, but it really does not enhance fuel econmy as it locks the transmission in the lower gears not the higher fuel efficient ones. Once again its just a big flag for discussions. My class B+ only gets it turned on to pull out of uphill starting points or when I think I need a lower gear to move on. It also gets turned on when HEADWINDS increase and make the trans search to maintain speed. Even in colorado with it turned on the engine runs out of gasa and speed will slow to 35-45 mph on pulls. Lotsa dead throttle also. One recommendation is to get a mikes 5 star tuner for the rig as it does make the engine more civilized when it shifts under load. I have been reading on the new hypertech react throttle optimizer. Havent ordered yet but plan to prior to summer travels. There is another outfit forget who which has come out with a throttle optimizer, but I do know hypertech does put out good products. As to one with key, that is not normal so yes maybe kalif had bugs put in to cause it??
i have Mikes 5 star tune in my c class we just got back from a 2500 mile pulling a 3500lb. car it worked fantastic. went through west tx, on I 10 to az. worked great i would suggest it to enyone who is having shifting issues call 5 star and have them right you a tune. kinda pricey but worth it. more power better millage. i went from 6.8 to 8.5 even got a 9 mpg on flat ground at 65 mph