Ro646a wrote:
I am getting close to purchasing a very nice 2008 Itasca Meridian model 39K with the 6.7 liter Cummins engine with 45,000 miles on it.
Can anyone comment as to whether this will have adequate power to tow my 4000 pound jeep through the mountains out west?
Thanks in advance
Think about like this - Good Milage - Good on the Flat highway - Slow up the hills.
Sort of the a full sized car with an economy sized engine.
For some this is a deal breaker - for others this is the Deal Maker.
When I had my Coach built the standard engine was 600 HP - I had mine built on a lighter chassis with a smaller engine - 400hp. I'm happy and have never looked back.
So IMHO it will work for many but not for some - you just need to know/understand what you are getting. Why have a great big engine if you are going to park it most of the time, and you live in Florida? On the other hand if you live in the keys and are going to the far side of the Rockies for most of your travels and never parking the unit then you might want to think about it a little more, No real answer here just a lot of choices.
Best of Luck,