Forum Discussion

vkaimak's avatar
Nov 14, 2013

Itasca Navion IQ DL, sleeps 4?

Hello RV-ers.
I am completely new to this forum and to the RV lifestyle. I am looking into getting a lighly used 2008-2010 class C model that would fit our family of 4 (kids are ages 8 and 11). I like Itasca Navion IQ DL. My question to some of the owners of this RV is can you comfortably put 2 kids on the sofa bed? I know Navion J or Winnebago view the J model has more room, but I have certain height restrictions.

Thank you all
  • Probably age 8 and 11, even if the kids fit there now, they won't for much longer.....
  • tatest wrote:
    I think the jackknife works fine for one adult, even if you roll into the crack. Winnebago rates mine as a single sleeping position, though almost queen width. Two persons, rolling together is the problem.

    a lot depends on the construction of the jackknife sofa. I have had some with welts, bumps, buttons, creases, sloping different directions, etc. and there is NO way to make them comfortable except to shim up an innerspring mattress on them.
  • I think the jackknife works fine for one adult, even if you roll into the crack. Winnebago rates mine as a single sleeping position, though almost queen width. Two persons, rolling together is the problem.
  • Bumpyroad wrote:
    you can put two small kids or adults on the sofa bed. if it is a jack knife you can't put one person on it comfortably. if you want a C, get one with a rear bedroom and overhead bunk so you don't need to make up that sofabed every night.

    I'll second this. We were certain we wanted a Sprinter chassis C, but we ulitmately decided that with a growing boy (9 years now) who wants to bring friends along at times, that a 31 footer was the best fit for us. We learned from our smaller travel trailer that we really wanted a sofa as well as a dinette for those rained-out days. We had just a dinette in the trailer and it was cozy when we were in there for a few hours straight. We also have a pair of labs, so that played into the size for us too.

    I will dispute the jack knife sofa comfort opinion, though. We've had three different 9-11 year olds sleep on it with no complaints. And I slept on it for half a night with no real issues either (not as comfy as my memory foam bed in the back, but I didn't wake up all achy either.) And a jack knife is way easier to pop open and closed than a traditional sofa bed.
  • We could put two children on the jack-knife sofa from age 5 to about 8, when they still fit cross-ways. As they got taller, and no longer fit that way, we found that the sofa no longer worked. Sleeping lengthwise they would roll into the crack between back and seat, and thus into each other. It didn't help that one of them flops around a lot while sleeping.
  • We looked at most of the Sprinter based rvs before we purchase our Winnebago Via 25T. Although some models have more floor space and storage inside, the trade-off is less storage space outside. The one thing that is common to all is that it is a small space. To answer your question, you could sleep 2 kids on the sofa bed, BUT it will be very tight to maneuver inside with 4 people, toys etc. As bumpyroad said, you may want to look at a little bit larger class C with more slides and a front overhead bunk.
  • you can put two small kids or adults on the sofa bed. if it is a jack knife you can't put one person on it comfortably. if you want a C, get one with a rear bedroom and overhead bunk so you don't need to make up that sofabed every night.