For the inquiring minds....:B
We removed the driver's side second window, which fortunately is also the escape window. Lifted the fridge with a forklift and slid the Norcold out and the Samsung in. Had less than an inch fact, I'd bet we couldn't have slid a dollar bill through the space...:E.
I had a drawer under the Norcold so that had to be sacrificed. My original plan was to simply make a smaller drawer but because I'm a little OTT about stability, the new floor for the fridge was made out of angle iron which left no room for a drawer. If you look at the pic you'll see the 5" piece of 3/4 ply across the bottom. That will be finished off with a matching piece of oak whenever I get somewhere with the proper equipment to make a decent looking piece and finish to match. I found a good match for the trim at Home Depot. I left the existing propane line until we are settled for the winter when I'll remove it from the bottom of the coach and plug it there.
Really, it was a pretty easy install, if you take your time. Having the proper tools would make it much easier but it is doable with what most of us have in our toolboxes. Anything else, there's always HD or Lowes..:). The biggest negative was/is, my body hasn't fully recovered from being a contortionist for two days. Lots of bolts in too small spaces....Dennis