I have a 2017 Greyhawk with the J ride and just drove it 3000 miles from where I bought it. With the driveshaft, instead of just balancing the 3 indivdual sections, they then balance the entire shaft as a unit. I know this is good practice as I have a background in balancing. The Bilsteins are wonderful. I would have taken off the new stock shocks anyway. Sway bars are there but I don't know much about them. Although touted as an upgrade, I think the Hellwigs are there because they need to be. With it's 2 slides and 2 air conditioners, and leveling system, the 31FS is heavy. I am at 13,500 which is 1000 shy of gross with just me, full fuel, and water. The ride cross country was very smooth and stable. Very well behaved and I do 58 miles per hour on cruise control, and mileage was 10 mpg which really surprised me. It must be that new transmission I guess. I like it right now, but as my dad use to say"their all nice when their new".