The service writer climbed a ladder and said I'm looking at a new roof. No, I'm thinking, I'm looking to hand this POS back to you. Never, ever, use the Lemon word. I was told you won't get anything done past that point. The installed a stack washer and dryer in the pre-plumbed closet. Tested no leaks IN the coach. I'm going on my pre-delivery orientation and the instructor said that water dripping in the locker below was from the exterior wash. One month later I fire up the washer in the driveway to test and flood the locker and cabinet area around inside unseen. And of course they confirm the problem at the dealer by flooding the locker, cabinets, and wall at the floor for the third time. That luaun plywood does not like water, so I'm figuring since the distortion is directly above this 3-time flooding, that there is a major wall issue unseen behind the cabinets and headboard. The P-trap was installed incorrectly at the plant and not corrected by the installers. Watch this YouTube video and wonder why they see this it-gets-one-chance-to-be-right assembly as a real plus.