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appd221's avatar
Feb 19, 2018

Jersey Shore to San Antonio to Tucson via Rt10.

Taking the wife and two young kids cross country in class A. We are going to a wedding in Tucson. To keep out of freezing weather Im taking a southern route along Route 10. We plan to stop over in San Antonio for a day or so, and visit Sea World. Then to Tucson. Does anyone have any suggestions rest areas (Walmarts) safe places to park and sleep?
  • Everyone is helping with the West so I'll give you a hint on getting out of Jersey. Soon as you cross Del Mem bridge hit 301 South and follow that all the way through MD into VA and hit I-95 North of Richmond. Miss all the Baltimore, DC traffic. Go straight through Richmond-Petersburg and hit I-85. Only good time to hit Atlanta is in the middle of the night, no other good time that I have found. I came from Palm Springs CA to Orlando last Feb and stayed in Tucson, San Antonio, and Pensacola. Never had any trouble getting into campgrounds with a 45 footer towing a 30ft trailer. Stayed in a resort in Tucson. Good luck
  • I have driven I-10 from San Antonio to Florida a few times. Since we are retired we never rushed. We always stayed in full hookup campgrounds. Same with going west on I-10. Been to Phoenix, Las Vegas and many other places but always using campgrounds . We never stayed at a Walmart . You will need reservations for Admiralty. We drove past there yesterday and it looked crowded.
  • For your Tucson stay you might want to try for reservations at Catalina State Park. You and the children would enjoy it.

    That's a lot of driving with only a few hours of sleep here and there. Be careful. Can your wife help with driving?
  • How many days are you planning for this trip?

    Are you a member of the Elks? They have RV parks for member only that cost about $20 to $30.

    Do you have reservations in Tucson? We're headed to Mesa outside of Phoenix on March 14 to March 19 and I had a tough time getting reservations.

    Spring training and snowbirds booked everything up.

    Don't know if they have that problem in Tucson though.
  • An excellent option around El Paso from I 10 on the east side of El Paso is north on 375, north on U.S.54, northwest on 3255 which turns into NM 213, then west on 404 back to I10.

    MUCH less hassle.
  • jplante4 wrote:
    Get the Allstays app for your phone. It lists everything - campgrounds, Wal*Marts, Cabelas, Cracker Barrel etc. Also shows rest stops and truck stops, places to get propane. The directions aren't great in the app, but you can get the address and plug it into a GPS.

    Also, check out Free Campsites

    Thanks I will check those out.
  • Thanks afrescop we will look at Andmiralty. I am coming via 85 south and 10. Have you traveled any of this route and know of good hold over spots to catch some sleep. I like to drive straight thru with limited stops for a few hrs rest.
  • Get the Allstays app for your phone. It lists everything - campgrounds, Wal*Marts, Cabelas, Cracker Barrel etc. Also shows rest stops and truck stops, places to get propane. The directions aren't great in the app, but you can get the address and plug it into a GPS.

    Also, check out Free Campsites
  • You better check on Sea World San Antonio's schedule. It isn't open now but reopens on a very limited schedule February 24th.
    There are two nice RV parks, Admiralty and Blazing Star, very close to Sea World. Admiralty is the closest by a few blocks. There are numerous Walmarts in the vicinity of Sea World. The one on Potranco (FM 1957) just west of Loop 1604 is where we shop. Occasionally we see an RV overnighting there. That Walmart is about a mile from Sea World.