Read the thread above about virtues of short 22-24 foot vs 26-27 footers. 26-27 footers have rear bedrooms and more storage area than shorter rigs. Short rigs are not as plentiful as longer rigs. Newbies are liable to be leery of driving and parking longer rigs. They will fit into most campsites. Younger, nimble, physically fit folks may prefer a short rig for driving dirt roads and camping in primitive areas. Don't buy too small only to wish you had bought a longer rig after a few trips. Most class C's have the same brands of appliances, generators and furnaces and air conditioners. A few brands like Lazy Daze have better interior cabinetry, etc. Take your time and don't buy on impulse!!! Take all advice with a grain of salt. Get all promises by salesmen in writing on the purchase order/contract. Expect dealer's service department to take their time fixing factory defects on new motorhomes. Don't buy extended warranty unless you have read it carefully and are aware of loopholes and exceptions.
Be aware of total cost of ownership including maintenance, insurance, DMV campsite costs and RV storage if needed.