Forum Discussion

goufgators's avatar
May 11, 2014

Just wondering re: Invisi-brake...

Had an Invisi-brake installed yesterday at CW Tallahassee. For those of you with what numeric value do you keep the brake set? Having asked that question, I know that there are a number of factors that might go in to determining the setting depending on 1. the weight of the MH, 2. the weight of the toad and, simply, 3. the driver's personal preference. In my case, our MH is a 33', Itasca (Ford chassis) pulling a CRV. Again, realizing that this question will likely get multiple answers...would still like to hear from you Invisi-brake owners. Thanks, Larry
  • wa8yxm wrote:
    A hard stop (Locked wheels on motor home) should...........................

    Locking the wheels up on a motorhome, or any vehicle for that matter, is an excellent way to loose control of said vehicle.

    Mine is set to 30pounds, I am pulling a 3800 pound Jeep with a 33,000 motorhome.

    You might want to call Roadmaster and talk with one of their people. Mine was installed by them at the factory and they set it and then we took a drive.
  • wa8yxm wrote:
    Forget the weight of the motor home, it does not matter. Weight of towed does.

    I'd get a partner and a wide gravel road.. No traffic (or a good gravel surface,, A hard stop (Locked wheels on motor home) should either lock, or almost lock the wheels on the towed when on gravel... (I like almost myself) On pavement the towed should not lock up even if the motor home does.

    here is why: If the toweds wheels lock the towed may start sliding about and try to "Swap ends" with the motor home (Jacknife)

    But if they ALMOST lock.. Well, that's maximum braking power.

    Good info. / Thanks
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Forget the weight of the motor home, it does not matter. Weight of towed does.

    I'd get a partner and a wide gravel road.. No traffic (or a good gravel surface,, A hard stop (Locked wheels on motor home) should either lock, or almost lock the wheels on the towed when on gravel... (I like almost myself) On pavement the towed should not lock up even if the motor home does.

    here is why: If the toweds wheels lock the towed may start sliding about and try to "Swap ends" with the motor home (Jacknife)

    But if they ALMOST lock.. Well, that's maximum braking power.