I think a kayak would be lighter than two bikes and would probably be OK depending on the condition of the ladder mounts. Having said that I agree with Allen's post. When I worked in aerospace I had the stress dept analyse handing loads on a towed airframe across the tarmac with uneven surfaces which were about 20 g if I remember correctly, the worse that the airframe saw in flight was 2.5 G. So a 50 lb static load could many times that when you hit a pot hole or two. The other thing you have to look at is how the ladder is attached, mine are attached with star nuts which rust out and come loose after a while. I had to replace mine with thru bolts. If your MH is fairly new and you climb up on the ladder and bounce a few times without much movement your probably be OK. If you get a fair amount of movement you can always add a few more supports or a single support to your bumper as a previous poster suggested.