Forum Discussion

sanlass's avatar
Aug 19, 2017

Kayak mount for RV Ladder

I want to take my kayak with me on my RV but it's only the one not requiring a larger rack on the hitch. I have been told there is a hook kind of holder that will fit over the ladder on the back of the RV. Does anyone know of this and where I can find one? I have a 32 foot Newmar Canyon Star.
  • RichNewcome wrote:

    I hope my ladder mounting is strong enough for a kayak, I've been climbing it.

    I always wonder how much the naysayers think a kayak weighs??? I understand that the "bouncing down the road" adds some added strain to the mounts...BUT that ladder holds a 200 lb man, why would it not be suitable for a 50lb kayak?

  • I hope my ladder mounting is strong enough for a kayak, I've been climbing it.
  • I second Don's comment. I wouldn't want one bouncing up and down on the ladder on my motor home. I prop mine up when I get on the roof.
  • Not a smart idea. Ladders are usually attached by only a few screws with little to no backing.