Goldencrazy, You are exactly right.
Every time we build or expand a highway, we are committing the future generations to high road maintenance and that is where we are currently suffering.
As you know, I'm about to upgrade my 2011 Storm with the Kelderman system to a 2015 King Aire. I just drove 740 mile this weekend and can't wait for the new coach. I-95 in GA and SC is bad. Particularly, in SC and particularly at bridge abutments.
There were several times this weekend when the shock from the crumbling roads shook the MH violently and felt as if the front tires were going to explode, the cabinets fall off or I would lose control of the coach. And that's with the Kelderman system.
We have serious issues coming in the near future with pressing needs for infrastructure maintenance. Not just roads, but bridges, electric, water and sewage systems as well. Then throw in the un-budgeted needs for pensions, Social Security and health care and you can see that very significant changes will be coming to our fiscal system soon or to our quality of life. Likely both.
I really wish everyone would take a dispassionate look at this and forget about politics. This is really a fiscal problem and it would be much better if we could set priorities in an intelligent manner given our limited resources.