Forum Discussion

Rangerman375's avatar
Sep 02, 2015

Kwikee Step Problem

I've searched the various forums but haven't found a problem just like mine. I am currently in a campground so I am not able to obtain the Kwikee 4 wire pig tail to test my steps. Nor do I have a multimeter.

The steps on my class A will not extend. They have been working fine all season and are properly lubricated. I travelled about 100 miles today when I departed everything worked but when I reached my destination the problem started.

The yellow courtesy light turns on and off when I open the screen door and I hear a clicking sound but the steps will not extend. That tells me that the switch/magnet is working properly...correct?

I plan to tap on the motor as suggested in some posts as well as disconnecting the motor from the connectors and wiring it directly to a battery to see if that helps.

Other than those steps is there anything else that I can do in this situation? I am thinking turning the ignition on an off and seeing if that does anything.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
  • Had the same situation recently on my Kwikee series 32 electric steps.. I found that the central pivot or shaft in the motor had just enough rust on it to increase the resistance and prevent the steps from moving... I removed the motor, opened the case, used rust penetrant repeatedly, ran the motor directly off my car battery (in both directions) to help loosen the rust, greased everything, reassembled.... so far, so good..... steps working as they should
  • Disconnect the four pin connector, put 12 volts to the red wire and ground to the green and nothing else and the steps should extend, if not ground the brown wire and then the steps should extend.

    Kwikee made a change in their wiring awhile back from a closed circuit on the door switch to a open circuit on the door (brown wire is the door circuit.

    My step install
  • I had a step problem too BUT I do not think it was the fault of the steps. I had carefully lubed all the hinges EXCEPT the stuff in the back--the steps were merely STUCK! They turn off power (and stop moving) either from voltage drop under load or high current draw when they can't move at all or move any further in or out.
  • My steps are made by a different mfg but I have a similar issue. You can lube the gear teeth, which I do, but the problem with mine is the center pivot pin that the gear plate rotates on. I remove that, clean it good and lube it. This has always cured my step issue.
  • We had our steps go out a couple of months ago. If it is not making any sound (presuming it is not a magnet problem), the controller or a fuse is bad. If it is making clicking or grinding noises, the motor or gears are bad. In ours, the gears were out of sync because someone (a large someone) stepped on them while they were going out. The steps would try to move but really only made a grindy clicky noise.
  • Run the chassis engine when hitting the motor. That extra 1.5 volts is needed to get a bad motor to kick free. Doug
  • If the light under the step is going on and off when opening the door the magnet and read switch is working correctly.

    Good suggestion on checking the fuse for the motor.

    If you have a test light you can check to see if the motor is getting power from the controller.
  • Did you check the fuse for the step motor?
    There is two one control and one power to the motor.
  • Re: magnet... not necessarily. If you have another magnet, try putting it next to the one on the door and see if that kicks the steps out.

    I ended up calling Kwikee customer service, they talked me through it while I was under the steps and with a cell phone Got me through that one, but in the end it turned out I needed a new motor.

    Some say there is an electric window motor which is the same. But do look for the ground attachment, try to disconnet the little, I seem to remember it was a square plug and plug it back together. Just please, please be careful with hands..