Forum Discussion

timp410's avatar
Apr 01, 2014

Lady Bugs infestation

Is there anyone else having a problem with Lady bugs getting inside of their van? I am having to use my vacuum cleaner to suck them up on a daily bases. I guess the older vans like I have are easy for insects to find a way in. My pickup truck is parked right next to my van and there are no Lady bugs getting inside of it.
  • Old-Biscuit wrote:
    timp410 wrote:
    Murphsmom wrote:
    At least you won't have aphids!

    What are aphids?

    Tiny little insects that eat plants..........and Ladybugs love them.

    Lol...I see! I gues I need to look on the bright side.
  • rockhillmanor wrote:
    Those aren't Lady Bugs.

    They are look alike asian type beetles that of course someone who had a better idea, introduced them into our country and now they are rampant because the natural course of wildlife will not eat them because they are nasty tasting. AND beware they BITE humans! Our Lady Bugs don't bite.

    They also will permanently stain anywhere they land and when they die so be careful when removing them.

    Wow! Now I am a little conceerned becuase the ones that are getting in my Van looks like the asian type. However, I have not notice any stains as of yet.
  • dahkota wrote:
    Just an FYI, farmers are using Lady Bugs to control aphids on crops. The farmer releases thousands of them, then they lay eggs and thousands more emerge. The reason you are having problems with them for weeks is they are successive generations. They are pretty harmless to rvs.

    And a little more information:
    "Ladybugs are not native to the United States. They were first imported from Austrailia to control aphids on orange trees. Since that time, hundreds of different kinds of ladybugs have been imported to control aphids on different crops. You know those pesky asian ladybugs that get in your house every winter? - well those actually control aphids in soybeans."

    Will they die off at some point or will I have to deal with them through out the spring and summer?
  • They will stay for spring. The kids call them stink bugs because when you squish them they really smell. As said before they do give a wicked bite.
    The kids on the farm have to vacuum the carpets and windows sills daily.
    They will eventually leave.
  • loulou57 wrote:
    They will stay for spring. The kids call them stink bugs because when you squish them they really smell. As said before they do give a wicked bite.
    The kids on the farm have to vacuum the carpets and windows sills daily.
    They will eventually leave.

    Glad to know that I will not have to deal with them the entire summer!
  • Yes. Real ladybugs are harmless, environmentally friendly and considered a benefit to a garden--eating aphids for example. They are in the same lucky category as Robins! Never seen them invading anywhere? We have to be really vigilant here re CARPENTER ANTS. I moved my rv a couple of years ago because the carpenter ants were getting inside and they will eat your furniture!!
  • We had an infestation and then a month later another -- seems the first batch laid eggs in the artificial foliage across the slide in and these were the ones which hatched .. we put an aerosol bug bomb inside the RV then left for the day ... first though - remember to turn off smoke and carbon monoxide alarms before setting off the big bombs !
