B.O. Plenty wrote:
They were brought here to eat aphids that hang on the soybean crops. Stayed at a campground across from a soybean field that had just been harvested, Never saw so many of the darn things. I was getting rid of them for a year. Sucked them up with our vacuum. B.O.
And unlike our native real Lady Bug these imported Asian beetles "Bite" and can be harmful to dogs.
......Asian beetles can bite humans with enough force to break the skin, although pain tends to be minimal. Dogs can suffer more from a red or orange lady beetle bite. Although uncommon, Asian beetles can become lodged inside a dog’s mouth, which can lead to ulcers and discomfort. Since pet owners don’t regularly look inside a dog’s mouth, one sign that Asian beetles might be inside is if your pet stops eating or if you notice foaming at the mouth or drooling. Pet owners can usually remove these beetles at home without a trip to the vet’s office.
In addition to biting humans and our pets, Asian beetles release an unpleasant odor from their legs when threatened. The yellow fluid that often accompanies this odor can also stain walls and fabric.....
https://www.abchomeandcommercial.com/blog/asian-beetle-vs-ladybug/ If only the gov would stop experimenting with importing plants and bugs without studying the full effect it can have on our environment. :R