Forum Discussion

RJL's avatar
Jun 21, 2014

Lakewood Camping World sells LEMONS

If you remember I'm the guy who had some issues with camping world in Lakewood NJ on some warranty work I had done on our 2010 DAMON Challenger 368 that we bought March of 2013. At the end of last season they replaced the slide controls, fixed the auto stairs and a few other things and even with my warranty they charged me 475 bucks AND had it for over 2 months. To make matters worse when I picked it up I found a kids toy under the bed (my youngest son is 21) and somebody stole my dog bone charger. Well I wanted to give you all an update.
Today (6/21/14)was the first time we took the unit out this season. Camping World winterized it for us last season as a "favor" after my awful experience with them last year. Well today I had to leave the campground after 1 hour. I tried to fill the unit with the city water and it leaked INTO our camper slide area and now the entire driver side rear is soaking wet As we were trying to leave the bedroom slide wouldn't retract. They claim they replaced that last season in the two months they had it but it's worse than ever now. Also the stairs wont retract when it's turned off no matter how I mess with the buttons. Also they never replaced the water heater plug. Man, you just can't make this stuff up. OK, this is where it gets really interesting... When I bought the coach nobody cleaned out the previous owners information. I have their address, phone number, everything, I only shudder if that information fell into the wrong hands. Well anyway, I called the previous owners and they told me in the 18 months they had the unit they had in excess of TWENTY (20) service calls. Many for the same problems I'm experiencing. Basically camping World sold me a lemon, that they originally sold new and they knew full well there was something wrong with that unit. I guess now I have no option but contacting an attorney and getting the records for this thing.
Anybody have any ideas? I'm actually sick to my stomach as I type this, I really enjoy camping, am going to retire at the end of the year and this was supposed to be our retirement present to travel at length.

Anyway, sorry for my rant and again if anyone has any ideas of how to rectify this awful situation I'm in please advise.


  • Double posted
    See thread running in Dear Marcus section

  • Oh brother, for more than 6 months you have posted the same exact stuff calling them everything from thieves, incompetents, etc, etc. Do you really think this approach is going to somehow resolve this issue? You have a serious communication problem and no skills in conflict resolution.
  • Well I don't see how you can blame camping world if they winterized your coach last fall , which is 7 or 8 months ago. You could of hooked up to high water pressure camp ground.
    If you still have a warranty call a local service guy out to fix your problems or does the warranty say you have to use camping world. ??????
    I used camping world when my AC went out and I had it covered under warranty ,they said they had to troubleshoot the problem . I called my company and they said 1 hour was authorized. took my rig in and I said they had 1 hour to troubleshoot . I was on the road in 2 hours and I paid my 50 bucks per contract.
  • You've already posted this before and received a response from Marcus' team. What do you figure you'll get by posting it here?...Dennis
  • Are you sure you don't own a Palazzo? Sorry for all your troubles. We feel your pain and then some.
  • Try the Dear Marcus site on this forum. I did and it helped me. Worth a try.
  • wow, i am SO sorry about all your problems. i just can't imagine trying to deal with all that with a sinking heart, knowing you are facing a strong uphill battle just when you were looking forward to opening the next chapter of your life with it. i've wondered whether or not i could contact the previous owner (as we were also left with the former owner's info) regarding issues we've found with our new to us FR Windsong. i don't know what your next step would be, but i'd certainly (if you haven't already) tell them you will proceed with litigation--then i'd contact my attorney and have him send a detailed letter of your grievances--and you have a number of them. hopefully, his/her strongly worded letter will have them contacting you with remedy.