Update: I spent the last couple of hours working on it. The leak is very small and what appears to be about the 2 or 3 O'Clock position as you look at the tube. It's the top line that runs from the top of the block to the radiator. I pulled the hose off and it looks to me like the leak is very small and in the weld that attaches the tube to the radiator. I pulled the fan shroud back and did the best I could to clean it up with brake cleaner, a wire brush and a tooth brush. I then put JB Weld putty around it. It's cold and wet out so, I'm hoping that the JB Weld will attach it's self.
When I pulled the hose off some coolant came running out so, it's not a real severe leak. I'm thinking about going on down to Myrtle Beach and doing what we originally intended to do.
I intend to head that way and if things seem to be leaking badly I'll just head on home. It's an hour and fifteen minutes to Myrtle. Heck, maybe I'll find a good deal on a trade down there..or not.