Update: It looks like the JB Weld completely stopped the leak. I drove 1.5 hours some in stop and go traffic and didn't lose a drop. The leak is dry as a bone. So, we'll stay in Myrtle Beach for a few days and I drive the four hours home.
BTW: Right before Christmas there was no way I was going to get a shop to fix this thing. I stopped in at an Auto Zone to get the JB Weld and I met this great kid working in there. He recently got out of the Marines and not long back in country from Afghanistan. I told him my issue and he said that he believed that JB Weld would completely fix it. He was a mechanic in the Marines and said that he fixed many busted tanks and trucks with JB Weld. He told me that the USMC uses the stuff by the case. He said that he actually repaired a couple of cracked engine blocks with JB Weld. He sold me the putty and said "jam it up in the hole real good and it will stop the leak". So, I did and it did. God bless the troops. We have some fine people serving in harms way.
Once I get home I will evaluate the situation closer and see about replacing the radiator.